Meltway (Dänischer Shoegaze) mit Sloe Noon ( Singer Songwriter, Dortmund)

Meltway (Dänischer Shoegaze)
After spending 4 years in the music conservatory studying the likes of jazz and Brazilian folk music, Mikkel longingly returned to indie-rock – the music that once upon a time made him pick up an electric bass. Mikkel groomed his neighbor Mathias at the dormitory in Esbjerg with his sudden nostalgic sensations, showing him bands like My Bloody Valentine and Slowdive, which eventually inspired Mathias to start recording sketches on his computer.
Mathias knew nothing about playing in a band, nothing about playing guitar, and nothing about singing, yet he had a clear sense that this felt right. The band was formed during an emotionally tough period for him, and the band soon became a therapeutic and soothing platform – which it still is.
Sloe Noon
Einlass: ab 19:00 Uhr
Konzert Beginn: ~20 Uhr
Konzert endet 22:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 10,- €
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