Animaux Formidables (Italy)
ANIMAUX FORMIDABLES is a garage-fuzz-noise duo consisting of percussion and guitar/vocals, formed in Italy in early 2022. The idea is to unleash a visceral, raw, and basic instinct putting themselves in the shoes of two animal-like characters, who have constantly been fed on glam-rock, blues, and R’n’R.
The ten tracks on their debut album were recorded by Marco Fasolo (Jennifer Gentle, I Hate My Village) in 2022 and have been welcomed by the press as one of the most interesting record releases on the Italian independent scene.
The title We Are All Animals is the band’s manifesto. “After all, we are all animals” is the pragmatic key point of Animaux Formidables, as well as the leitmotif of their project’s imagery and its underlying provocation.
“We are animals, but we forget that. We slumbered instincts, we reduced our motor and neuronal capacities, and we are subjugated by archetypes and social status. We wear masks daily to hide our real nature, our soul”.
With more than 100 dates in less than two years, Mrs and Mr Formidable are taking their Glitter Tour around Italy and Europe and, in the meantime, are working on their next record release.
We are all animals:
Just a Monday:
Live Session:
Einlass: ab 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20 Uhr
Konzert endet 22:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 7,- €
Liebe KULT41-Gästinnen und -Gäste,
wie die meisten wissen, dürft Ihr Euch nach 22 Uhr leider nicht mehr im Hof aufhalten, egal wie wenige oder wie leise Ihr seid. Wir bekommen sonst Ärger mit Nachbarn, Ordnungsamt und der Stadt Bonn. Daher: Bitte geht rein oder in den Bus, wenn unsere Helfer:innen Euch darum bitten. Sie setzen dabei nur eine wichtige Regel um, die dafür sorgt, dass wir weiter viele schöne Veranstaltungen im KULT41 machen können.
Danke für Euer Verständnis!