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  • Am 5. Juli: Combatants for Peace im KULT41

    Combatants for Peace is a Palestinian-Israeli grassroots initiative founded by former soldiers from both sides to end the cycle of violence and resume constructive dialogue. Guided by values of non-violent resistance, it…

  • Hard and soft tunes at KULT41

    Representatives of harder guitar music often present their skills at KULT41. Just like the American metal duo Krashkarma on Saturday, July 13, or the English punk veterans Subhumans just two days later.…

  • Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder und Jugendliche

    Das KULT41 sammelt Kronkorken Es gibt Dinge, die manchen wertlos erscheinen, die aber anderen eine wertvolle Hilfe sein können. Kronkorken zum Beispiel. Sie bestehen aus Weißblech, das in größeren Mengen von Metallhändlern…

  • Toilets for everyone! KULT41 supports Goldeimer

    Now new: social toilet paper at KULT41 You may have already noticed when you last used our toilet: we have new toilet paper! In doing so, we are supporting Goldeimer, a great,…


    To our great regret, we have to cancel the concert with the Indonesian bands Tibiast and Nobody’s Perfect (NBP) on May 14, 2024. Unfortunately, the musicians did not receive a visa and…