38 Coffin (USA) + Filthtones

38 Coffin (USA)
Sell yer soul kinda rock n’ roll out of Seattle, WA, USA. 38 Coffin takes inspiration from early punk pioneers, 1960s surf legends, and the trashy fuzz of The Cramps, and smashes that all together with a love of horror and a healthy dose of camp to bring you their own brand of surf-noir garage punk.
Lauren Goffin (vocals/guitar) and Dain Hudson (drums) formed the band in 2021 after the breakup of their previous band, Die Nasty. They recruited Lindsay Scarey (bass), followed by Emi Pop (lead guitar), and 38 Coffin made their onstage debut in August 2021, a mere 2 months after their first band practice. Idle hands being suggested but not required to do the devil’s work, the band has not been known to stay still for long, playing frequent shows and festivals, writing, recording, and making a name for themselves on the Seattle punk scene supporting bands like The Dickies, The Queers, The Briefs, and The Avengers, and playing Freakout Fest alongside punk and psych legends Papi Saicos and Kid Congo Powers.
38 Coffin recorded their debut self-titled album in 2022 with Emi Pop on guitar, but she amicably parted ways not long afterwards. The hunt began for anew for a guitar player, and along came Andre Maguire, who joined the band just in time to play his first show at their record release party in September of 2022. Since then, 38 Coffin has moved away from the garage rock sound of their first album, and has embraced a more surf-influenced sound. They have become known for energetic live performances, their retro-futurist horror host looks, and undeniably hooky surf licks.
The band returned to the studio in 2023 to record a second album, which will be released in 2024 – spookier, surfier, and more terrifying than ever before!
“38 Coffin… plays slightly spooky, slightly Cramps-y garage punk about cars, monsters, and other delinquent delicacies. They ain’t reinventing the wheel, they cover “Monster Mash” and I think they’d be a kick in the pants live. Their self-titled record just came out on IFA. Track it down if you’re looking for a good time.”
– Wez Lundry for Thrasher Magazine
Newest releases:
2022 Record
The Filthtones : Screaming primitive trash rock’n’roll duo.
Einlass: ab 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20 Uhr
Konzert endet 22:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 10,- €
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