The Razorblades und Los Chukukos!

The Razorblades und Los Chukukos!


19:00 - 22:00
Eintritt: 10,- €€


Hochstadenring 41, Bonn, Bonn, NRW, 53119, NRW


The Razorblades

Which kind of music do you play?  Surfmusic.  Aha, what’s that, something like the Beach Boys?  Uhmm, not exactly….

Well, THE RAZORBLADES have heard this dialogue a thousand times.

The three piece from Wiesbaden / Germany offers high energy surf punk that ranges from the Californian twang of Dick Dales to the surf punk of the Turbo ACs to modern rockabilly à la Brian Setzer. Wild, sweaty, energetic and faster than the police allows… sounds like DICK DALE on speed, the Pulp Fiction soundtrack in turbo mode or a 120 mph car chase on the California coast with loud punk rock on the car radio…no seatbelt attached!

An ecstatic stage show and loud guitars are included for free 🙂

Los Chukukos!
Jungle Surf Trio aus Santiago de Chile und Deutschland, welches mit psychedelischem Cumbia und Reverberant Garage die Sinne berauscht. Treibender Beat, frenetische Rhythmen und heulende Punk- Gitarren verführen vom ersten Takt an zu wildem und ausgelassenem Tanz.