How to perform with us
Would you like to present a concert, reading, theater or other performance at KULT41? Thank you for your interest! You will increase your chances of being on stage with us enormously if you read all the information here carefully before you write to us.
If you would like to exhibit your art at KULT41, please go to the gallery page
How are events organized at KULT41?
KULT41 is a non-profit, non-commercial venue and runs entirely on a voluntary basis. We do everything in our free time, for fun and for a good cause. We have no external booking system and no fixed contact persons for bookings. Everything that takes place is supervised by individual people from the association who have the time and inclination to do so.
Before you write to us, please read our general conditions for events first. There you will find the answers to many important questions about a possible performance at KULT41 (technical equipment, room capacity, financial matters, promotion, etc.).
Read everything to the end and it fits? Great!
Then feel free to apply!
Applications for CONCERTS
Your e-mail must contain
a) a link to a stream, YouTube video or website so that we know what your music sounds like;
b) a proposal for a time period or specific dates for the possible performance;
c) no attachments! Mails with attachments will not get through the security check of our system and will be deleted unread.
Applications for ALL OTHER EVENTS
Your email must contain
a) a link to a stream, YouTube video or website so that we know what the audience can expect – or you describe it well if there is no digital recording;
b) a proposal for a time period or specific dates for the possible performance;
c) no attachments! Mails with attachments will not get through the security check of our system and will be deleted unread.
And after the email?
If one of our people in charge (PiVs) is interested in your application, this person will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Once you have agreed on the general conditions and a date and made all the necessary arrangements, the event will take place and will be supervised by this PiV. From this point on, this person will be available to answer any important questions you may have and will be on site on the day of the event.
Please take another look at our general conditions for events so that you think about everything that is your responsibility (e.g. send short information for the program booklet and the KULT41 website in good time, fill out the GEMA form in advance, …).
What if no one responds?
If no one responds to your application, please understand. Then it’s just that no one has the capacity or it doesn’t suit any of us musically or artistically.
We receive far more requests than we can accommodate on our stage. About 30 requests per week – but only up to 15 events can take place per month …
Unfortunately, the high volume of applications also means that you will only receive a positive response from us, as it is simply impossible for us to reply to every application.
Please do not contact us via other channels such as Facebook, Instagram or other email addresses. Please also do not send repeated emails to the same address. That really doesn’t help.
But of course you can apply again after a few months.
The alternative: Become a PiV yourself and organize it at KULT41!
Now there are always days when there is no event at KULT41 and when your performance could have taken place. Unfortunately, nobody had time. But … if you were one of the people who could organize concerts and events at KULT41, then something could happen: your performance, the performance of your friends, favourite bands, … and much more.
You would have to become a PiV. How does that work? You can find out here.